ESoPS Chair

The aim of the Social Economy, Protection and Society (ESoPS) Chair is to study current changes in the social world, in order to understand and support their motivations. The project lies at the intersection of the social economy and social protection. These two fields, while undergoing their own evolution, maintain multiple relationships, as illustrated by the joint coverage of health care by Social Security and mutual insurance companies, or the many associations involved in the field of social action.
Social protection can no longer be thought of in isolation, as a specific policy set apart from other public policies, or as a policy that can be accounted for without considering its societal impact, its territorial roots or its reciprocal links with the labor market. It lies at the heart of many public policies, which is why today's issues are cross-cutting, and why we need to find integrative solutions. This is the approach advocated in the work carried out by the Chair.
The Chair is supported by teacher-researchers from the Institut d'Administration Économique et Sociale (IAES) who are currently responsible for training courses in the fields of social protection and social economics.

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They support the Chair