The Delphine Levy Chair



Access to museum collections and heritage for as many people as possible is a major challenge for the 21st century. In tribute to the work of Delphine Lévy, founder and CEO of Paris Musées from 2003 until her untimely death in 2020, the Delphine Lévy Chair is dedicated to initiatives designed to promote the widest possible access to museum collections and, beyond that, to cultural heritage.

On the initiative of a major donor and a private endowment fund, the Delphine Lévy Chair has made possible the creation of a university diploma (DU) entitled "Pour l'accès à l'art et au patrimoine : outils et recherches" ("For access to art and heritage: tools and research") at the start of the 2022 academic year.

A first in the field of higher education, this DU is aimed at students in initial training and professionals from museums and cultural institutions in continuing education. It brings together researchers and professionals from the sector to discuss a range of themes: accessibility, new forms of mediation, sustainable development issues, participatory projects, etc.

Based on the sharing of experience and critical discussion, the course aims to foster the development of a culture of access in museum institutions, and to provide theoretical and practical tools for current and future players in the cultural sector. 

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